Historiallinen Yhdistys on yhteistyökumppanina Mannerheim-museon järjestämässä kansainvälisessä Mannerheim-seminaarissa.
HUOM! Seminaariin osallistuminen vaatii ennakkoilmoittautumisen, jonka voi tehdä täällä.
PÄIVITYS 10.8.2017: Historiallisen Yhdistyksen jäsenet pääsevät osallistumaan seminaariin ilmaiseksi (pääsymaksu muuten 50e). Ilmoittautuessa jäsenien täytyy merkitä kohta “partner”, jotta ilmainen osallistuminen varmistuu.
Tietoa seminaarista englanniksi:
Date: 17.8.2017 – 18.8.2017
Time: 9:30-17:00
Paikka: Yliopiston juhlasali, Aleksanterinkatu 5
This seminar examines the international role of Marshal Mannerheim and, through him, an international view on Finnish History. Finland and its relation to seven other countries, both in historical times and today, is under the discussion of historians and diplomats in Helsinki.
Gustaf Mannerheim was born in Finland, but with a deep consciousness of his Swedish family roots, and very soon he established a career in Russia and had a life in Poland. Coming back home in 1917, his activities were in close relationship to Germany and again Russia, with England and France being not only the object of his cultural admiration but also a possible political orientation. In his last years, Switzerland became his home and the symbol of national neutrality.
Are these personal ties representative for Finland as a whole? How did his individual history mix with national history? These questions are debated as an introduction to further researches on the international context of Finland, regarding both the year 1917, the previous period and especially the independent era up to our times in 2017.
Further information: Kristina.ranki@mannerheim-museo.fi (contents and organization), Pia.osterman@helsinki.fi (registration)
DAY ONE Thursday 17.8.2017
9 h 30: Coffee and registrations, Aleksanterinkatu 5 entrance
10 h 00: Opening speech: Chancellor Thomas Wilhelmsson, University of Helsinki: Gustaf Mannerheim and the University of Helsinki
The Mannerheim Foundation, Curator, Dr. Kristina Ranki: Marshal Mannerheim in an international context
Music: Holger Kaasik & Jaani Helander (cello) & Nuppu Koivisto (piano)
11 h 00: SWEDEN – from the origins to the last card
- Henrik Meinander, University of Helsinki: Mannerheim & Sweden: Family ties, military cooperation, political relations
- Ambassador Mr. Anders Ahnlid: Sweden-Finland – an ever closer relation
12 h 00: POLAND – at the Edge of Empire(s)
- Michał Kopczyński, University of Warszawa: From Ramsay to Mannerheim: Finnish officers in the Kingdom of Poland before 1914
- Future ambassador Dr. Jarosław Suchoples: The year of birth 1867. Gustaf Mannerheim and Józef Piłsudski: people of their times
LUNCH BREAK (lunch not included)
15 h 00: RUSSIA – when all opposites are true
- Matti Klinge, University of Helsinki: Mannerheim and Russia
- Minister-counsellor Sergey Belyaev: Russia and Mannerheim today
16 h 00: Discussion and Closing remarks: Director General, Mrs. Maimo Henriksson, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia)
DAY TWO Friday 18.8.2017
10 h 00: UNITED KINGDOM – an orientation for Finland?
- Dr. Tony Lurcock, Oxford: Mannerheim and Britain
- Ambassador Mrs. Sarah Price: UK and Finland today
11 h 00: FRANCE – dream and reality
- Kristina Ranki: Mannerheim, la France et la francophilie finlandaise
- TBA: La France et la Finlande aujourd’hui
14 h 00: GERMANY – changing landscapes
- Michael Jonas, Helmut Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg: More than Hunting with Göring: Mannerheim and Germany, Mannerheim in Germany
- Chargée d’affaires Claudia Schmitz: Germany and Finland – close friends in Europe today
15 h 00: SWITZERLAND – neutrality as a statement
- Elina Seppälä, University of Helsinki: Mannerheim and his Swiss connections
- Ambassador M. Heinrich Maurer: Switzerland and Finland today
16 h 00: Multilateral Round table – Finland yesterday, today, tomorrow. The role of great men in History. The role of Finland in the international scene. The role of history in the present. Participants: Erkki Tuomioja (Historians without borders), Juhana Aunesluoma (University of Helsinki), Charly Salonius-Pasternak (The Finnish Institute of Foreign Affairs). Chairman: Pertti Torstila (Finnish Red Cross).
17 h 00: Discussion and closing remarks, prof. Laura Kolbe, European history.